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Marketing generally refers to market-oriented corporate management, which should focus on the long-term satisfaction of customer needs. Marketing thus goes far beyond the classic sales function and is more a management philosophy than a mere sales instrument.

In the economic core of marketing management lies the concept of the permanent generation of competitive advantages and the associated possibility of differentiating from the competition and thus genrating the customers' willingness to pay. As a result, companies with consistently market-oriented management realize sustainable competitive and efficiency advantages.


In terms of content, the professorship is intended to contribute to the shaping of innovative developments and technologies from a rather broad interdisciplinary and empirical perspective and, building on this, to integrate them into the discipline of marketing. The research work is theoretically well-founded, problem-oriented and phenomenological, and understands the business as an entity embedded in socio-technical contexts that is particularly accessible empirically.

With regard to the broadening of marketing philosophy, the chair conducts research that is subsumed under the rubric "Marketing and Consumer Policy" in an international context. This includes, for example, research projects with non-profit organizations (e.g., churches and cultural institutions) and NGOs (e.g., consumer centers) as well as in the context of policy advice at the state and federal levels.

With regard to the methodological-technological development, i.e. the deepening of marketing science ("Deepening"), which is currently particularly important in marketing research, the chair works especially in the transdisciplinary context of consumer neuroscience as well as in the research field of human-machine interaction (especially in digital contexts).

Is a doctoral program at our chair useful?

Doing a doctorate while working at the chair can increase your career opportunities. However, working at the chair or on third-party funded projects is an indispensable prerequisite for a doctorate. We therefore ask interested parties who are not able to work on a project to refrain from submitting an inquiry.



The aim of the professorship is to provide high-quality, research-oriented teaching at a high didactic level. Of particular didactic importance are participatory elements that enable a culture of challenge and support as well as "side learning". The subject-specific mission statement is the "generalist marketing manager", who has a broad theoretical and methodological knowledge, can operate successfully in various, not only operational contexts and is scientifically connectable.