Social Lab II
"SocialLab2 - Farm Animal Husbandry: Acceptance through Innovation" is a joint project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture since 2019. Its aim is to generate new insights into the social acceptance of farm animal husbandry.
SocialLab1 has shown that statements on the framework conditions that actually have an influence on the development of social criticism and acceptance of farm animal husbandry will only be possible through a longitudinal study. For this purpose, the follow-up project SocialLab2 will develop a prototype for a long-term survey instrument that will enable the BMEL to draw conclusions about the acceptance and development of animal husbandry within different social groups. The aim of the SocialLab² joint project is to determine how both conventional and new, improved forms of livestock farming are perceived and accepted in society. On the other hand, the marketing of animal products from better animal husbandry will be investigated and new, innovative marketing measures will be tested. In the end, the scientific knowledge gained should not only contribute to changes in purchasing behavior, but also in agriculture and trade.
The subprojects, which are mainly supervised by the project team of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (Prof. Dr. Peter Kenning, Mrs. Nadine Gier and Mrs. Regina Mukhamedzyanova), are
- Monitoring of the social acceptance of livestock farming (work package 1, especially the modules SocialAcceptance-Score (SAS), Labelling, Trade)
- RealLabor - Systematic development and prototypical testing of innovative market services (work package 5)
You can find further information here .